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“Marriage cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.” -- Song of Solomon 8:6-7

Dear Friends,

Marriage is a gift from God, sealed by a sacred covenant. At Community Church, we practice marriage equality for all couples who wish to unite through faith in the covenant of marriage. Recognizing that God gives human love, we gather with family and friends to publicly affirm and celebrate your mutual exchange of promises and vows. As one of the most important and memorable experiences of your life, we joyfully support both your wedding here at church or off-site, and your marriage to follow.

At Community Church, we prepare and support your life together through pre-marital counseling if appropriate, and consultation with one of our clergy in planning the wedding. In preparation for your wedding, and prior to meeting with the minister who will celebrate your wedding, we invite you to please read The Celebration of Marriage brochure.

Together we help you prepare for this sacred worship experience which reflects the same commitment to dignity and beauty for which we have become known over the years. Community Church's ministers and organists are committed to upholding the highest standards of worship and music.

We at Community Church, look forward to counseling and supporting the gift of your love through worship that confirms your commitment to marriage. For more information about our wedding services, please contact Carolyn Steere, Wedding Coordinator, at (772) 469-2313 or by email at

Grace Mercy and Peace,

Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland
Senior Minister


We welcome into full membership and participation in all aspects of our church life, persons of every race, language, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status and faith background, and we officiate and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.


(772) 562-3633


1901 23rd. Street

Vero Beach, FL 32960

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© The Community Church of Vero Beach

The Community Church of Vero Beach is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC).

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