Children's Ministry
At Community Church, we minister to the spiritual needs of our children through a children’s ministry program. We provide an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Community Church offers two nurseries for children ages infant to three years old during the worship hour. Parents are able to enjoy our services while being confident that their children are being well cared for in a developmentally appropriate environment. Certified nursery staff build lasting relationships with little ones each Sunday so children feel comfortable and secure during worship services.
Community Church seeks a congregational life that supports and nurtures all family relationships between people of all ages.


Childcare is available during our Sanctuary and C2 services. We ask parents to provide contact information to our trained nursery staff, in case your little one needs your attention during the worship hour. Infant to Age 2 meet in the “Hatchlings” nursery, Room 221 and Twos and Threes meet in the “Monkeys” nursery, Room 220. Look for signs on our campus to direct you to our nurseries, which are located on the second floor of our education building.

Sunday School
Kindergarteners through 5th grade children begin Sundays during our sanctuary and C2 worship services. Children leave with their teachers for Sunday School during the Passing of the Peace. We use the Godly Play curriculum, based on Montessori principles, to share the sacred stories of our faith to our elementary age students. Children explore their faith through storytelling, wonder, crafts, and play. We ask parents to provide contact information to our Sunday School Director, Lia Peters, in case your child needs your attention during the worship service.

Light symbolizes reverence, hope, and Jesus' presence in worship. Acolytes bring light to signal worship's start and remind us of Christ's presence. The Christ-light leaving worship reminds us to be light bearers. If your child (4th grade+) is interested in becoming an acolyte, contact Charlene Applegate at (772) 562-3633 for more information.