Jesus spent his short time on earth feeding those who were hungry, healing the sick, and welcoming those that society had cast aside. And he said that any who considered themselves to be his followers ought to do the same. He taught that a life worth living was a life lived for the sake of others. We at Community Church recognize that we are connected to all of God’s children and want all people to know that God loves us all more than we can imagine.
At Community Church, our Missions program:
Offers opportunities to participate with local agencies to improve the lives of people in Indian River County.
Offers mission experiences in which we can learn from and work with people in different cultures in order to build relationships across racial, ethnic, and socio-economic boundaries.
Supports more than 30 agencies in our community that serve families and children that live on the margins of society.
Welcomes and hosts local agencies that use our facility in order to carry out their mission.
Community Church takes pride in the many ways that we are connected to our community and the world, by partnering with people and agencies who are doing extraordinary things to make our world a more just and caring place.
This fall we are organizing teams to organize opportunities to serve in five different areas. If you are passionate about one of these areas and would like to help facilitate opportunities to learn and serve, please contact Rev. Dr. Jacob Kines at jacob.kines@ccovb.org, or through the church office.
The Food Insecurity minsitry works with local food pantries, soup kitchens, and other local agencies to make sure that all people have enough food to sustain them.
The Housing and Shelter ministry supports local shelters for those who are homeless, participates in building homes for families, and promotes affordable housing in our county
The Earth Care Ministry offers educational and service opportunities that promote the health of our environment.
The Education and Mentoring ministry works in schools and agencies to help children learn and grow into mature young men and women so that they can thrive as leaders in the future.
The Senior Support ministry researches and connects senior to resources to assist them as they navigate an increasingly complex world.